Qualifications: Bachelor of Teaching (Early Childhood), Bachelor of Education, Blue Card, Child Protection, WH&Safety Training (including Fire Safety), Workplace Bullying, Sexual Harassment in the Workplace & Privacy Certificates.
Belinda’s Story: Belinda Ross has had the pleasure of being part of the Koobara team since 2013. Her roles at Koobara are diverse, encompassing Nominated Supervisor, Teacher, and Educational Consultant. She thrives in the forward-facing and dynamic Koobara community, comprising learners, families, educators, and elders.
Belinda began her journey in the small town of Hughenden, near Julia Creek in Central Queensland, her mother’s hometown. After a few years of moving around Queensland, her family settled in Toowoomba, where she spent most of her formative years. Following high school, Belinda relocated to Brisbane to attend the Queensland University of Technology (QUT), where she earned a Bachelor of Teaching (Early Childhood) and subsequently, a Bachelor of Education.
Belinda’s career as an Early Childhood Teacher has spanned the childcare and kindergarten sector, working with Education Queensland, C&K, and Lady Gowrie. She has extensive experience in teaching, directing, supporting, and advising on all aspects related to curriculum, programming, supporting children and educators, the National Quality Framework, and quality improvement across the sector.
When not at Koobara, Belinda’s work takes her across Queensland, enabling her to witness and engage with the dynamic and diverse landscape of Early Childhood Education throughout the state.